Erasmus+ Youthpass
What is Erasmus Youthpass?
Let’s get into it…
- In its most basic form, Youthpass is a physical document, which confirms the participation of an individual in a Erasmus+ activity and provides a description of their specific project.
- At the same time, Youth-pass is a tool, which can be used by a young person together with a mentor or youth worker to identify, understand and document what they learned during their Youth in Action activity.
- In addition, the certificate is a support, which can help youth leaders and youth workers to maximise the impact, the outcomes and
the learning processes within Erasmus+ activities.
A product or a process?
Youth-pass can be somewhat confusing because at first glance it is not clear whether it is intended to serve as a product or a process. In fact, it is a little bit of both.
- The certificate is a product in the sense that it is something concrete, tangible and visible. When an individual receives a physical document recognised by the European Commission is put in their hand. The individual can see it, touch it, and show it to others. The physical document is tangible evidence of what they have achieved. As a product, it is powerful and has a high value, particularly for young people from the fewer-opportunity target group. It would be a mistake, however, to think of the product as “just a piece of paper” because it is also much more.
- Youth-pass is also a process, because to create the full product (the physical document), young people should go through different steps in order to reflect on what specifically they have done during their Youth in Action activity. Moreover, consider what this might mean in terms of their own learning and personal development. They do this through a dialogue with their mentor. They should then find a way to express these
outcomes, ideally in such a way that others (outside Erasmus+) can also understand and give value to their learning.
It is the combination of product and process that gives the certificate its strength and is also what sets it apart from other types of recognition documents.
Youthpass Guide
Download here: Youthpass Guide – Erasmus –
Click to access YouthpassGuide-abroadship.org_.pdf
The Impact Report
Download here: Youthpass Impact Report – Erasmus –
Click to access Youthpassimpactreport-abroadship.org_.pdf
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