Training Course: Fear(less) II

Location: Kegums, Latvia

Dates: 7-13 July 2019

Number of participants: 15-25

Participating countries: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries , Other countries in the world , Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU

Organizer: Piedzīvojuma Gars

Apply here: Application form

Deadline to apply: 15 March 2019

Date Of Selection: 20 March 2019

Inquiries about this training course: Rota at:


Participation fee

The participation fee for the training course Fear(less) II is
295 EUR, and the deadline for applications is March 15.

The fee covers accommodation and food costs, learning materials and equipment, trainers’ support, and other organizational expenses. You cover your own travel expenses.

After you receive a confirmation e-mail from us, to secure your spot in the training you will have to make a deposit payment of 100 EUR.


Accommodation and food

All accommodation and food expenses are covered from the participation fee.

Travel reimbursement

You cover your own travel expenses. There is no reimbursement happening.

Fear(less) II

What do you do when confronted by fear? Do you expose yourself to it or do you avoid it? As a youth worker, do you ever notice how you project your own fears to the young people you are working with, thus taking the learning away from them?​

Fear(less) II is a training course on discovering how overcoming our limits can bring powerful learning outcomes. 
Our goal is to empower youth workers to become better leaders of their communities by mastering self-confidence, and to educate them on non-formal education programs and methods based on overcoming fears, and using them as tools in their own work.

​​Our main methods used include high-rope activities, living in tribes, guided awareness practices, body movement and dance performances, physical and mental challenges, public speaking and spending time alone with no outside distractions – all of them (and much more!) put together to create a rich, diverse arena for personal discoveries and releasing what no longer serves you.


If you are a youth worker, you are a light bearer for others. Through your example, people find and act on their truth.

By joining this training course, you will get the opportunity to:

  •  improve your self-confidence by confronting the fears that hold you back from living up to your fullest potential through specifically designed activities,
  • live through and learn about the usage of experiential methods for overcoming fears,
  • learn to use the available resources and environment in an efficient way when preparing and delivering activities for others,
  • discover how fears and vulnerability bring people in a team closer together, and how to use this as a valuable tool in your own work,
  • explore the theory of where our fears come from and various mechanisms for controlling them,
  • share your own experience and learn from other professionals of their field who work with people in different contexts,
  • gain self-awareness and connect to yourself on deeper level.


​Courage doesn’t mean that you aren’t afraid. Fearless means just that – Fear less. Acknowledge that you are frightened, and take action anyway! Face your anxiety and go beyond the boundaries of your limited perceptions of yourself.​

There are times in life to step back and even times to walk away, but there are also times to stand up for yourself and those less advantaged. Don’t let yourself be limited by your belief system. Be willing to live from your heart rather than your mind. Honor your truth. Explore your fears and fear less.
