Training course: „The different faces of democracy.“ Pluralism and Change in European and Arab Societies

Location: Bad Bevensen & Berlin, Germany

Dates: 10-20 September 2016

Number of participants: 24

Participating countries: Germany, Poland and Lithuania

Organizer: Gustav Stresemann Institut in Nds. e.V.

Apply here: application

Deadline to apply: 5 August 2016

Date of Selection: 19 August 2016

Inquiries about this training course: Ina Bülow:

For general Inquiries and consultation:

Costs: This project is financed by Erasmus+ programme. Travel costs will be reimbursed up to the amount designated by Erasmus+ for each country. – participation fee varying according to social standards of the countries (€ 190,00 for Germany, € 50,00 for Poland and € 30,00 for Lithuania);
– travel expense refund: travel costs will be refunded up to the following maximum amount
Germany: 100 €
Lithuania: 225 €
Poland: 180 €
– costs include accommodation, full board in Bad Bevensen and half board in Berlin, transport and full program (incl. excursion), pick-up and drop-off from the airport; part of the program will be in Berlin

„The different faces of democracy.“ Pluralism and Change in European and Arab Societies

Seminar for youth leaders; GSI & international cooperation partners. This call is open for participants from Germany, Poland and Lithuania only. (Arabian participants are already chosen from our Arabian partner organisations.)

There is a lot of talk about democracy; in Europe and in Arab countries. But do we mean the same when speaking of democracy? Did the concept change – in our minds, in different periods of history? In this project, the participants – “activists of civil society” – will find answers to these questions.

We will focus on four aspects:
1. The concept of pluralism: What is the idea behind it? Which groups are meant? We will share experiences on the different paths to democracy in our countries. In practical exercises, we will learn about managing diversity.
2. Religion: What’s religion gotta! do with it? In many countries, religious groups play(ed) an important role in implementing political change. We will speak with dialogue experts, go to churches and mosques, share impressions from back home in order to assess the role of religion in local and international politics.
3. Extremism: How can we confront the forces that threaten democracy? We will analyze political radicalism and religious fundamentalism and look for ways to stabilize democracy. We will compare concepts of democracy education and learn from practical tasks.
4. Civil Society: How can we strengthen civil society in our countries? Visits to NGOs and model projects will inspire us to develop further activities and concepts. This will be a key issue for creating sustainable results of this project.

After all, this is not only about ten days in Germany, this is about making a difference and making an impact in our home countries – in Germany, Poland and Lithuania, in Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia.

Click to access flyer_arab_de_Sept2016.pdf