Training course: Train the trainers: Its up to me 5

Location: Osterholz-Scharmbeck/ Bremen, Germany

Dates:  5-13 April 2018

Number of participants: 36

Participating countries: Croatia, Germany, Italy, KOSOVO * UN RESOLUTION, Spain, Ukraine

Organizer: NaturKultur e.V. 

Apply here: application form

Deadline to apply:  1 February 2018

Date Of Selection: 14 February 2018

Inquiries about this training course:  Darko Mitevski at


All costs for program, accommodation, materials and activities are going to be covered from the organizer of the event.

Travel costs are going to be reimbursed according to the travel distance band of Erasmus+ program with maximum of 275€ for all countries, except 180 for Germany.

The insurance is going to be covered for the participants that need visa. All other participants coming from EU countries must have valid insurance or obtain travel insurance that will be reimbursed in the amount up to 20€.

There is participation fee for this course in the amount of 50€. This fee will be deducted from the amount of the travel costs.

Train the trainers: Its up to me 5

5th edition of train the trainers. Learning by doing TC where you will receive a lot of know-how, soft-skills, materials, witness different trainer styles. You will also get feedback and mentoring on your skills, design new projects on different topics.

“Its up to me” is a holistic approach on how to develop really good youth workers/trainers that are going to work on transfer of know-how and organize and deliver really quality trainings and projects within Erasmus + program but also for the organizations that they are working for. This is project is going to contribute toward raising the quality of the Erasmus + projects that are going to be organized in future, but also is going to improve the quality of youth work in general. We are going to work, practice and design projects and activities on the current E+ priorities, using quite wide variety of tools and methods on the training.

This project is very intense and there are many tasks, outcomes and competencies that the participants will learn. The main goal is to develop great trainers that will deliver great trainings and projects for the organizations but also provide many quality opportunities for young people.

As much as it is focused on developing trainers skills, the set up of the training still makes space for significant personal development of the participants.

All of the tasks on this project are done in a way of learning by doing.

Brief overview:
– Know-how – To provide the participants with information on how some things are done, why some things are done in particular way, what is behind the scenes of a good organized training/project, to peek into the decision making process, in the team management and in the preparation. 
– Improve participants soft skills such as public speaking, presentation skills, self-expression skills listening skills, emotional intelligence etc
– Provide methods and tools for delivery of workshops – such as different types of simulations, team building games, brainstorming, creating learning environment, creative environment etc
– Provide hard copy materials (guidebooks and written materials). We would have online library (trainers library is in development) and is continuously upgraded with other materials from other groups. 
– Provide feedback to the participants. It is really important to receive feedback and do it again, so we would see the growth of the participants during the project. 
– Show them different styles of trainers. We will have four trainers from different backgrounds and professions that have very different styles that will help the participants see different approaches and ways of working which would lead to finding their own unique style in future. 
– Personal development from point of view to listen to their body, their own emotions, their own inner conflicts, to self discover the core values, how to be an example for participants, how to transmit energy to the stage. 
– Coaching and mentoring. Apart from the mentoring and feedback during the project, for this edition we are going to have 12 months mentoring process for all participants after the project until their first/next training experience.
– Self-assessment. Sometimes young trainers are not aware of the qualities that they have and things that they know. Sometimes they think that they know everything and there is nothing new to learn. We will provide a self-assessment opportunity for the participants to evaluate which things they know well, which things they still need to learn. 
– Critical thinking – They will have the opportunity to analyze everything and develop critical thinking. After each workshop we take off the “participant hat” and put the “trainers hat” and analyze why we did this or that
– To offer opportunities for quality training experiences and project development. Organizing joint projects, creating pool of trainers, getting shadow-trainer opportunities.

During the project the participants will have to do tasks on which the trainers will provide detailed and individual feedback with recommendations for improvement. On the end of the project the participants will have to deliver a real workshop that they develop during the training with their peers. They will be evaluated by the trainers and they will be given feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Learning outcomes of Its up to me 4:

Impressions from Its up to me 3:

Impressions from Its up to me 2:


Training course – Train the trainers – Its up to me 5 – Germany –

Click to access Infopack-Train-the-trainers-Its-up-to-me-5.pdf

Testimonials from Its up to me 1, 2, 3 and 4 Training course – Train the trainers – Its up to me 5 – Germany –

Click to access Testimonials-from-Its-up-to-me-1-2-3-and-4.pdf