Training course: Visual methods to explore community- Participatory Video Project

Location: Baile Tusnad, Harghita County, Romania

Dates: 3-12 June 2016

Number of participants: 32

Participating countries: Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Iceland, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria, Poland

Organizer: Young Europe Society

Apply here: application form

Deadline to apply: 16 May 2016

Date of Selection: 17 May 2016

Inquiries about this training course: Simina Tureac:

For general Inquiries and consultation: contact us

Costs: This project is financed by Erasmus+ programme. Unit costs of the travel expenses (see table above) will be covered by the organizers
with the support of ERASMUS+ programme. Participants will cover any transport costs exceeding the amount stated in the above table.

Country Grant Travel per participant
Hungary 180 euro
Iceland 530 euro
Lithuania 275 euro
Estonia 275 euro
Poland 275 euro

Accommodation and meals are covered.

Visual methods to explore community- Participatory Video Project

Participatory Video Project consists of theoretical background and hands on experience on video making, video equipment and components, getting familiar with the script techniques and other narrative story-lines.

Visual methods to explore community comes as a solution to youth workers who need to improve their practical knowledge and competences in creating visual content (video and photography) as tools to increase visual awareness in their projects and produce social positive change.

The project contains 2 Training Courses that offer a comprehensive basis to understanding, designing and applying a participatory video project, respectively a participatory photography project.

To develop competences, abilities and knowledge of youth workers on how to understand, design and apply a participatory video/ photography project.

Expected results
Developing competences on how to apply strategies and methods of creating visual content (video and photo) for their projects and develop strategies of including photo/video content in their communication projects campaigns;

Develop digital competences and skills (technical learning of video/photo equipment, learning programs of video/photo editing, discovering social media channels and web platforms);

Developing one free step-by-step guide with techniques and methodologies of video-making, photography, non-formal education methods, best practices examples from trainers used by any youth worker without digital know-how;

What specific criteria the participants should accomplish?
-To have experience in the youth field and youth work;
-To have potential and desire to develop digital competences;
-To show motivation to participate in the project;
-To show interest in the theme of the project;

Being selected in the training courses, the participants must:
-Be present to all sessions of the TCs
-To have an active participation to all sessions;
-To show initiative and interest in the follow up activities;
-To be over 18 years old;
-To have a strong command of English language;