Training course: Wheel of Life: Steps on the Wheel

Location: Cluj-Napoca area, Romania

Dates: 10-19 July 2016

Number of participants: 27

Participating countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom

Organizer: Dreams for Life

Apply hereapplication form

Deadline to apply: 8 April 2016

Date of Selection: 12 April 2016

Inquiries about this training course: Bogdan Romanică at: +40745585415

For general Inquiries and consultationcontact us

Costs: This project is financed by Erasmus+ programme. “Steps on the Wheel” is a project financed by the Erasmus+ Programme, thus all the activities, accommodation and food are 100% covered by the EU grant. The travel costs will be reimbursed to the participants after the course in the amount limit presented below.- Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain and United Kingdom – 275 Euro/participant – Portugal and Ireland – 360 Euros/participant. PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION: Each participant will contribute to this training course with 40€, amount deducted from the travelling costs.


Wheel of Life: Steps on the Wheel

Built around the process of Eco-Centric development. Inspired from the Wheel of Life/Medicine Wheel concept. Aiming at creating an educational frame for holistic development of youth. Exploring nature, secret-sacred elements, vulnerabilities, rituals etc.

During the training process we will explore and experience a wide variety of concepts such as holistic development, working with vulnerabilities, therapeutic practices, atmospheric games/activities, spirituality, connections, rituals and relations with nature.

Through this training we support the participants in exploring these concepts within the context of their personal and professional life. The practices which will be experienced during the course will be translated into educational tools, methods and activities to be used in the youth field, for the personal and professional development of young people.

Throughout the years we have observed that in many international projects (youth exchanges, courses and other actions) there is a certain point or limit which is not crossed by the youth leaders, trainers or facilitators of the learning process. We could see how the participants involved in such projects are exploring only the surface of their characters and true beings, thus making only small personal and professional changes. But, we believe that sustainable and authentic change is coming from working with young people at deeper levels, addressing deeper personal issues and tackling deeper life topics. In this way the youth can become who they are meant to be.

Thus “Steps on the Wheel” aims at increasing the capacity of youth workers to create sustainable results and powerful impact on personal and professional development of youth.

The training course is built on a flow which combines elements of practice/experience, reflection, theory and application. Thus, we are aiming at:

1. Developing competences that enable youth workers to work with youth on complex personal challenges, thus enabling them to reach their full potential.
2. Building and strengthening personal and professional vision, mission and values of youth workers in order to act as responsible members of the world wide community for protecting the Earth and supporting authentic youth development.
3. Developing the transferability and innovation capacities of youth workers in order to use and adapt new educational concepts, tools and methods in their own working environments.
4. Increasing the strategic thinking of youth workers in order to create long-term interventions for personal and professional development of young people.


Eco-centric and holistic development – exploring and understanding the concept and elements of Wheel of Life/Developmental Wheel (a contemporary concept, based on the principles of Medicine Wheel – an element of Native American cultures) and how it can be used in youth work, in order to facilitate authentic development and transition from adolescence to adulthood.

 Atmospheric activities – experiencing and understanding the pedagogy of atmospheric games and activities (complex experiential learning activities) which can be used to address important personal topics of youth.

 Vulnerability and therapeutic practices – working with personal limitations, vulnerabilities and expectations (personal, social groups), finding strengths and qualities, being open, accessing inner resources.

 Connection with nature – connecting with nature within, nature without, other people, the outside world (deep ecology), exploring the natural elements (water-earth-air-fire), web of life, nature based methods.

 Spirituality – exploring secret-sacred things, sharing experiences, understanding human spirituality in different cultural backgrounds, exploring rituals and ceremonies.

The course will take place in a natural area, in the Carpathian Mountains.
The location offers basic living conditions and working together as a community (cooking, cleaning, making fire etc.) will be a necessity as well as a pleasure.



Dreams for Life is a youth organization from Romania, which operates in Cluj-Napoca. Our organization unites young adults and youth that are passionate about personal and community development.

Our mission is to support youth for following their true meaning in life, being in strong connection with nature and living in sustainable communities.