Every day we face plenty of decisions (some sources estimate that an average adult makes more than 35 thousand decisions each day). Some of them are small, some of them are big, and some of them are life-changing. In school (and often later in life), we’re instructed to listen to the voice of reason (the teacher / authority / the system) and to do as we’re told, and consequently to ignore our heart, our gut feeling that is sometimes called INTUITION.

We learn to make decisions based on the rational, economical mind. This approach arises from safety, carefulness and logic. It is this approach that sometimes creates the exclusion in society: the fear of immigrants, the annoyance with disabled people, putting kids with learning disabilities to special classes so they are not slowing down “the normal” kids. By recalling our gentle side, we learn to make decisions which doesn’t seem to be economically logical (e.g. spending free time in support a charity, community meeting, playing with kids, etc.), but which bring happiness to our lives and to the lives of the others.

Day 0: Getting to know each other

Today 31 participants and 7 leaders from UK, Greece, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Bulgaria and Latvia gathered in Intuitive Literate youth exchange in Kennington, United Kingdom.

INTUITIVE thinking (especially working in tandem with analytical thinking) is positively associated not only with better, faster and more accurate decision-making processes but also with happiness and a sense of autonomy and freedom. This is why it’s important–and today probably more than ever–to connect to our intuition and to exercise it.

Team Building

First day of Intuitive Literate.

So much curiosity to get to know each other, to start experimenting and testing our intuition. Many new names, many expressions,emotions and moods, all in one room.

This is how the will to explore brought us all together and here we are facing the first group challenge.

We communicated, we tried different strategies, we failed at times but in the end we made it.

Intuitition and Nature

Intuition and nature are inextricably linked.

Since intuition is the knowledge of our soul, on the second day of this journey, to achieve this inner knowing, we decided to explore our intuition in nature.

We started with a sensory walk, let the sounds, smells, sights and touch stimulate our senses and so we headed towards the forest.

We did various blindfolded exploring activities that helped us to enhance senses as touch, sound and smell. We focused on our energy and connected with the surroundings. These activities helped us to improve attention, to develop trust and connect to each other.

Intuition and Impro

We started our day reflecting and journaling. Stream-of-consciousness journaling is one way to really explore your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

We had improvisation theatre activities, since improvisation itself consists of a combination of intuition and creativity.

Used improvisation theatre as a tool for personal development, raising self-esteem and self-awareness, to relax and to have fun! We turned into things, animals, moods and emotions.

We ended the day with an intuitive movement activity, which connected us with our bodies, listening to them, understanding our bodies needs.

Intuition and Art

Today it was about discovering ourselves and different roles we play in our daily life.

During the first session we meditated and researched for our ego characters.

Who are we? How we move? How we act? What we think?

What roles do we play? How do we play it?�

We traced our shapes on a kraft paper and we started to visualize things about ourselves, then we started to write and color our shapes according to the feeling of each.

Locals and Me

Today was about observing surroundings and connecting to locals.

We explored Dover and Canterbury, we connected to each other and created beautiful memories.

We recharged and got prepared for the next steps of this adventure.


This day was dedicated to sharing and transferring each others personal knowledge in different fields.

The first open space activity was dedicated to photography. We learned different tools for making low light photos, motion and how to use a professional camera.

Then we had the chance to learn more about the history of the Normans and historical sources in general. We learned the process of interpreting sources and used intuition to do so.

We understood the importance of sharing personal knowledge and the enrichment that comes with it.


“At first I was more shy whenever I confronted new people even from my own country. The INTUITIVE LITERATE project offered me the opportunity to get out of my comfort zone through discussions and activities. It helped me to embroider my spiritual horizons through meeting people from all over Europe and familiarizing my self with different cultures as well as life styles.”

See you next time

“I have really get to know myself more, discovered new things about myself and went outside of my comfort zone. I have experienced intense experiences while dancing and painting using my intuition only.”

“I explored myself, the ways of my thinking and reasoning. Also, I interacted and made meaningful friendships with a lot of participants from whom I learned about cultures and life.”

“We were explained how to use intuition and could implement it during workshops of dancing and improvisation”

“The youth exchange was very valuable experience of working in a team. We had to cooperate and find compromises and solutions together. I developed as a person and I got a lot of inspiration by meeting other people and learning about their personalities. I took initiative and organised a trip and a history workshop. I received a positive feedback for both and it gave me confidence in my skills.”

“Active listening, group discussions, playing out improvisation acts, expressing emotions by dance and conscious movements, reflecting about previous day in focus groups.”

“Multilingual competence was supported by various tasks which involved communicating with other participants. We had to come up with ways to solve problems. During the project we were encouraged to interact with the locals too. During the cultural appreciation evening we could express aspects of our culture and learn about others.”

Intuitive Literate project

Erasmus + Youth exchange Intuitive Literate

Story Intuitive Literate: 1  

Story Intuitive Literate: 2

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